Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Green Family Thanksgiving Table 2023
The Fall and holiday seasons are my favorite time of year. I love the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven on Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I was a young girl, I enjoyed watching Mom and Dad take turns basting the turkey to ensure its moistness. Many of my fondest childhood memories were captured during family dinners around the table. After becoming a wife and mom, my husband and I would load up the car and travel three hundred miles through cold snowy weather to experience the joys of the holiday season surrounded by family. Although, it wasn’t long before my husband announced that it was time to start family traditions of our own.
It has been 35 years since I began hosting and preparing Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for my family and relatives who visit from out of town. Now that we’re empty-nesters, I’m ready to pass the baton. This year, on the heels of unexpected loss, weeks of travel, and assisting a dear friend and family in need, I thought I would hang my apron, sit back, relax, and enjoy good food from someone else’s table, but God had another plan.
For many, the holidays represent loneliness, sadness and sorrow, fatigue, or the stark reality of lack and insufficiency. So how can we be thankful even when times are hard?
When I discovered we would be hosting Thanksgiving yet another year, I felt disappointed and weary at the thought of cleaning the house, preparing the rooms, planning meals for the week, and all the cooking for the Thanksgiving meal. My attitude went south and I began to murmur within my heart. If I was going to survive and be a gracious host, I knew I needed to humble myself, repent for my attitude, and ask God for a fresh perspective on the situation. In essence, I needed His grace, mercy, and help.
Here are three keys to cultivating a thankful heart even amid weariness:
1. Determination - Determine within your heart to be thankful despite the situation. The Bible states, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (New Living Translation)
2. Intentionality - Be intentional about remembering what God has already done. Say out loud as often as necessary: “Lord! I’m bursting with joy over what you’ve done for me! My lips are full of perpetual praise.” Psalm 34:1 The Passion Translation
3. Focus - Set your mind on good things, not things that cause grief or anxiety. The apostle Paul reminds us, “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 NLT
Maintaining an attitude of gratitude can be a daily challenge, especially in a difficult season, but with sincere prayer and a little effort, gratitude will rise in our hearts. Those who are truly thankful are victorious and pleasing to God.
Scripture tells us, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7 NLT
Needless to say, when I acknowledged my struggle and turned to God for help, He gave me the grace to do all I needed to do and to prepare a wonderful Thanksgiving feast with joy. And everyone pitched in to make my load lighter. As we sat around the table enjoying the abundance of God’s provision, the smiles, laughter, and words spoken when we shared what we were most thankful for reminded me of the blessing of yielding to God’s will even when we don’t understand His plan or purpose. God used us and our home to minister to those who needed it most. By extending hospitality we created a space for hearts to overflow with thanksgiving to God.
This holiday season and in every season of life, may our hearts always overflow with thanksgiving to God, and our mouths be ever filled with praise. He is worthy!